Saturday, 23 January 2010

I haven't really got much to show for the last month or so, certainly nothing as nice as the slate paintings Sarah did recently - not that I haven't been busy, it's just that most of the wood I've been working with has been to feed the hungry fire over the cold spell!

I did complete a few more bowls before the cold snap took hold. Since then turning hasn't been quite so appealing - numb knuckles gripping cold steel touching large, spinning chunks of wood just isn't the best combination!

I have just started some more shelves with Elm but, as they are only just at the stage of being treated for woodworm I don't have pics yet.

Here's the bowls though;

(First; these natural-edge yew bowls,)

(This one's a very cheery little bowl with a permanent smile!)

(My first attempt at a square edged bowl....)

(....Nearly square anyway!)

(I also turned this elm bowl, despite all the elm I've worked with this is the first piece I've turned)

(And finally some more natural edge Ash bowls.)

Once the workroom is a bit warmer, I've got a nice chunk of holly to turn. We went for a walk near Cadbury Castle (once believed to be the magical castle of Camelot!), surrounding it are many holly trees, all with very strange & unusual twists to the trunks. One of these had came down quite some time ago and the loggers had kindly cut the base off for me! The largest lump of holly I've ever seen, should be some nice bowls.

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