Thursday 24 February 2011

Waxing and Waning

As the seasons change, we too are leaving a chapter in our lives, to grow, explore and hopefully get more creative.

Ben is making the most beautiful Oak Shelves as a commission. As usual he surpasses himself with diligent and elegant craftsmanship, every new piece he makes has to be better than the last.....integrity always a value.

The photos never quite do the makings justice, the feel of the warmth and finish is lost, but here is one of him working on them...I'm sure he will include better pics later when sanding and waxing has bought the beautiful design to life.

Whilst Ben waxes, I wane, not for long I hope! The sun's renewal is a grateful force, that will put a bit of hope into us all. I'm waiting for some mica flakes to turn up, something new to play with, and to put a bit of spark into some work!

Happy Springtime To All x

Monday 24 January 2011

Belated New Years Greetings! x

Being snowed in was a blessing a few things done while the fire roared and the outdoors sparkled....including our compost loo! Ben has been busy mending his planer..oh the patience 2 and a half days of lining up and persistence, I would have lost the will to live by now...lucky these machines don't rely on me and god forbid if there was ever such a thing as a mechanical paintbrush!
Have enjoyed making some commissions for Christmas Presents, including a "Girlie" Leather Bill Hook Cover and some signs for a couple of lady's new venture...the sage green wagon has now at last left the yard and sits in an Orchard, being played in by the owners Grandchildren. Hope this year brings fun and creativity ...and a dash of prosperity for us all X