Saturday, 17 April 2010

Greetings Bloggers! What a Spring, subject to snow, sleet and sun all in one

day, I never know what hat to wear!

Ben has just announced he has bought ANOTHER lathe, I believe it's for metal makings as he had a bit of an accident with the other one (1880's) which was a shame, but if I was that old, I'm sure I would have broken long ago!

I've finished the rustic Hazel sofa, at last, just in time as the cutting season has ended as the sap is rising fast.

It was a joy to finish, as I'd spent a lot of time gathering...and given away our old sofa to an upholsterer who fell in love with it!

Today I've been working on the latest, little wagon. New bows cut, shafts and side panels undercoated, door repaired, and the rest awaiting the epoxy treatment,,,too many places for water to settle for my liking! Ben has done the majority of the sanding on front and back, revealing rotten wood, which will be dug out, and treated. Will be glad when it's at the painting stage!

Thank goodness for the spring flowers to brighten up the occasional greyness,

daffs, primroses and periwinkle all bloom proudly to welcome a new growing year, the elephant garlic is living up to it's name..and have just planted raspberry canes from a kind neighbour who had too many. Hot salad seeds are in and already showing little green faces!

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